The Green Room is a performance salon series for artists across disciplines to present works-in-progress or recently completed works in the warm environment of a home, where experimentation and conversation are encouraged. Curated and hosted by Xandra Clark. Co-founded in 2014 by Xandra Clark and Ayden LeRoux.

Featured artists and links to photos below.
(Photo credits: Andrew Otto, Ayden LeRoux,  Ariel Lauren Wilson, and Kelsey Crouch.)

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Salon 9 (October 21, 2017) — "Threshold"
Gregory Dubin (magic)
Tracy Fuad (poetry/new media)
LO Jackson (autobiographical theater piece)
Micah Jones (poetry/rap)
Lucie Vitkova (music)

Click here for more photos of Salon 8.

Click here for more photos of Salon 8.

Salon 8 (August 5, 2017) — "In the Heat"
Featured Artists:

Zoë Flowers (spoken word)
Tina-Hanaë Miller (music)
Cam Poter (clowning/stand-up comedy)
Kristen Rosa (visual art/comics)
Don'aë Tate (music)



Salon 7 (February 11, 2017) — "(He)art for our Time"
Featured Artists:

Molly Butcher (visual art)
Gary Champi with Erik Johnson (dance with live music)
Xandra Clark (new writing)
Shannon Matesky (poetry performance)
Lizzie No (music)

Salon 6 (July 11, 2015)
Featured Artists:

Darian Dauchan (spoken word poetry)
Jillie Mae Eddy w/ Xander Johnson, Nate Houran, Sam Plattus, and Maridee Slater (theater)
Aliyana Gewirtzman (paintings)
Tobin Low (cello/audio interviews)
Pavo Pavo - Eliza Bagg, Nolan Green, Oliver Hill, and Ian Romer (music)


Salon 5 (November 15, 2014)
Featured Artists:

Lydia Chrisman (dance)
Will Owen (food performance)
Liesl Spitz (sermon)



Salon 4 (August 15, 2014)
Featured Artists:

Sarah Edwards (writing)
Bezachin Jifar (theater)
Ethan Philbrick (music/performance art)
Jordan Tice (music)


Salon 3 (May 24, 2014)
Featured Artists:

Ayden L.M. Grout (video art)
Alden Peters (documentary film)
Olivia Tandon (writing)
Jonathan Tarleton (participatory installation)
Joseph Terrell (music)


Salon 2 (March 29, 2014)
Featured Artists:

Richard Aufrichtig (music)
Phoebe Bachman (participatory performance art)
Emily Kwong (documentary film)
Lucas Loredo (fiction)
Kristin SwiatJess Myers, w/ Jana Diamond (dance)


Salon 1 (February 14, 2014)
Featured Artists:

Xandra Clark (live audio storytelling)
Tom Haviv (poetry)
Mike Hicks (comedy lecture)
Gabriela Tessitore w/ Kenny Murphy (music)
Tara Willis & Anna Adams Stark (dance)